First, understand that all illness is created in the mind - even sickness that is said to be contagious or brought on from old age. Thoughts are very subtle, yet extremely powerful.
A person who thinks to herself, "My life is stressed," "I'm sick and tired of my life," I'm a loser," "God is going to punish me," will get sick – eventually.
Germs of the mind are as powerful, if not more powerful than the germs we find in a toilet.
Notice that many times when you have a cold you have something big coming up. Could even be something relaxing such as a vacation but if you stress about it, it wears you down and you get sick. Some people think they catch a cold from their friend who is sick. The mere thought, oh great, now I’m going to get this guys cold is the impetus to you coming down with something. Next time someone in your presence sneezes, think to yourself, I’m grateful that I have an amazingly strong immune system.
In Neal Walsch’s book, Conversations With God, he submits that many people create their illness because they love them. They use being sick to feel sorry for themselves and to get attention. Even the conventional western doctors are now seeing how people make themselves sick.
Most people do so unconsciously. When they get sick they don't know what hit them. They think they caught something, they never think they did something to themselves. Most people go through life totally unaware that they can create or destroy anything with their mind.
Do you know anyone who goes though life eating poorly and then wonders why they have coronary disease? How about people who are angry, harbor ill feelings toward another or toward themselves via guilt and end up having a stroke? The not so obvious truth is that most people worry themselves to death.
Walsch continues; worry is the worst form of mental activity, aside from hate. Worry is pointless. It is a waste of mental energy. It creates bio-chemical reactions to the body that create everything from indigestion to heart attacks plus a myriad of things in between.
One's health will improve immediately when worrying ends. Worry is the activity that does not understand its connection with God.
Hatred is the most severely damaging mental activity. It poisons the body, and its effects are virtually irreversible. Do you hate someone for what you perceive they did to you? Hate has no affect on the receiver, only the giver. Let it go immediately before it kills you!
Fear is the opposite of everything you are, and has an effect of opposition to your mental and physical health. Fear is worry magnified.
Worry, hate and fear all attack the body at a cellular level. It is impossible to have a healthy body under these conditions.
ALL illness is created first in the mind.