Sunday, November 15, 2009

Love or Fear?

The way you approach life – from love or fear - will produce certain results on the physical plane or in reality.

Love being “the way” of masters, is equal to higher consciousness which is not connected to the physical plane at all. Love is thinking out of your head, in line with God. Reality is the polar opposite to God or living like God or living like a master. When you are based in reality (facts) there can only be fear. Reality=Fear.

Once you step outside of reality you step out of fear and into peace, joy and happiness: love. However, if you live with one foot in love (truth) and one in fear (reality) you are separated, living a dual-personality. This is where the struggle of life is – in giving credence to reality.

The ego is based in reality which is always feeling lack. The ego is always in pursuit of the next thing - Always looking for that next piece of gratification, the next moment. It’s not being present but being addicted to the next hit. The rub is that reality and your ego do not exist in love, in God’s domain. Living in your head, from your ego is like living on an iceberg that is melting more and more every day. If you can manage to get off the ice berg and onto solid ground you no longer have to worry about slipping or there being enough room to live.