If you take a moment to think about the world beyond your everyday life you’d discover that there is an unseen energy that is always in control of the universe. The human ego makes us think that we have power over what we do. To an extent we do and we don’t. Is that confusing? Well it gets worse.
Did you ever stop to think about how certain bodily functions happen while we’re asleep? How are we able to keep our blood pumping, digest food, grow hair and nails and even dream? Where does that energy come from? How do we keep our bodies somewhere between 97 and 104 degrees for our entire life span?
While we’re thinking about “stuff,” how does the ocean move? What makes the sun go around? Why do animals’ coats get thicker in the winter and thinner in the summer without effort? Why do squirrels, in the middle of a vast metropolis like New York City still gather nuts and food for the winter when they’re not in their natural habitat?
We all know the scientific explanation behind these phenomena but how did it all start? Is it possible that the same energy that controls the waves also controls human’s breathing? Did you know that the time it takes to take a full breath of air is the identical time it takes for a wave to roll on to a beach? Coincidence?
I submit that we are part of a grand energy system that we don’t consider, take for granted, nor use for our greater good. I believe all things are possible if we learn to tap into our God-given ability to create our existence. If we let go of the concept good and bad, or wrong and right decisions and just live for the experience, we would be amazed at the results, and the grand events and the miracles we’d relish.
I suggest that every possibility in the world, and even more than our feeble imaginations can conjure, are available to us at this very moment. Everything exists at all times. The Physicist Niels Bohr stated that observation is necessary to determine the state of an object. Before the observation is made, all things exist in all possible variations. This is called the Copenhagen Theory in quantum physics.
What exists in your reality is present because you choose it with your decision. I can list pages of examples here but I’ll keep it to a few items.
If you want a new car, all possible autos are available at this moment. For various reasons such as price, gas consumption and size of vehicle, you narrow down your choices to a few models. Once you “decide” which model you will buy, you suddenly start to notice the same exact vehicle in parking lots, on the street and even two on your own block. Now that you’ve put your attention on or “observed” a specific vehicle, that particular vehicle comes into your reality-vision.
Too illustrate this theory I want to talk about a quantum physics example called Schrödinger's cat. In 1935, the scientist Edwin Schrödinger proposed a thought experiment. Schrödinger suggested that if you put a live feline in a box with poison and left it alone for an hour that cat is both alive and dead for that hour. Both realities exist. Until one makes the decision to look into the box, all out comes are possible.
Can this translate into every decision you make? Henry Ford said, “Whether you think you can or you can’t, you are correct.” Until you open the box of your life nothing happens. When you look to see what’s inside – or out there for you – you’ll never know.