Sunday, April 25, 2010

Did Instant Karma Kill John Lennon?

When something goes wrong in a person’s life people sometimes say that it’s because of bad karma. This is a misunderstanding of the definition of Karma. In Eastern philosophy, Karma is defined as the thoughts, decisions and choices (including some from past lives) one has made that has brought them to the station of life they’re at today.

If you think about a particular circumstance in your life, chances are that you will not have any difficulty tracing back to the decisions that brought the situation to you. Other incidents are deemed freak or unintended and might be chalked up to Karma. However, upon closer examination you’ll discover that Karma is a subset of a natural law of the universe call “The Law of Attraction.” Simply put, The Law of Attraction says, whatever we concentrate on will expand or will be attracted to us. This is because our thoughts are true electrical vibrations. That’s why we can feel people’s energy or we can sense when someone is staring at us. An electron in motion generates a magnetic field. So, thoughts attract like thoughts, or like people or like circumstances.

We all become what we think about. Also, what we resist persists. If you have constant thoughts during your whole life such as you don't want contract a certain disease or illness that your parent or grandparents had - if not wanting the illness is your thought, like a soundtrack in your head –you are very likely to produce that actual illness over time. This is because the universe only hears the about illness. Not that you don't want it. One day you come down with that sickness and say, “I knew I was going to contract this!” You knew it? Well of course, after all, your doctor even said that you were predisposed to this particular ailment. It runs in your family you’ve been told your entire life. Hmm, sounds like a vicious circle to me.

So, instant Karma isn’t gonna get ya, as John Lennon proclaimed. A deranged, violent person is what got John. I submit that Lennon didn’t realize that he was trafficking in violence and that he attracted Mark David Chapman, his assassin, into in his life. Don’t get me wrong, Lennon was one of the most prolific ambassadors of peace that our generation will know. However, he was thinking about violence his whole life, albeit, against violence, it was a vibration of violence. He concentrated on it so much that he even wrote songs about it!

We will receive from the universe the subject of sentence uttered or thought about. The universe does not deal in verbs, adverbs or modifiers. If the subject of your sentence is going to be your Karma or your reality, Let it Be, Let it Be – but let it be in harmony with your goals.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

It's all in your head

It all starts in your mind: Happiness is a choice. Expectations make you unhappy. Prolonged unhappiness feels like suffering. This suffering causes dis-ease in the body. Therein begins the manifestation of your real suffering and pain.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

How to Cope in a Recession

Here's a great five minute clip with Tony Robbins giving great insight at a perfect time: